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The wearing of school uniform plays a vital role in contributing to the ethos of Broomgrove Junior School.

It helps to inspire pride in the school, support positive behaviour and discipline and helps support effective teaching and learning. 

Children are expected to be smartly presented during the course of the day and to take pride in their appearance at all times.

All items of clothing must be clearly marked with your child’s name.

If you would like Broomgrove branded items, please visit this website:


From September 2023,  we want to encourage learning to take place outside as often as possible. This incentive is being driven by a wealth of research that suggests learning outside is beneficial to wellbeing and also helps to reinforce the values needed for children to flourish.

Therefore, we are asking that all children are supplied with wellington boots, waterproof jackets and waterproof over trousers so we are not restricted by the weather.  All of these must be labelled with the child’s name so they can be easily identified. These are expected to remain in school throughout the week.

Government guidelines stress that all PE  should be taken outside as much as possible, so could you please ensure that your child has appropriate outdoor PE kit including long tracksuit trousers, jumper and sensible trainers.